Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
How Can I Drive Safe After Dark?
By Product Expert | Posted in Tips and Info on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022 at 2:09 am
Three Important Steps to Follow to Drive Safely
A few studies show driving after dark can be risky, and there has been an increase in road crashes by three times. Additionally, a few people experience poor night vision with impaired depth perception, peripheral vision, and color discrimination. Although headlights illuminate the road, their regular low beams only shine 160–250 feet in front of your car, while their high rays shine 350–500 feet in front of it. There is little room for error when traveling at 60 mph since stopping requires more than 200 feet. In this blog by the EVS group, you will learn about three important steps to follow to drive safely after sunset to navigate these hazardous and dark roads.
Important Steps to Follow
- In the evenings, driver weariness is a worry. Do not continue driving if you are sleepy or tired. Stop your car, get out, and relax in a safe location. If you are driving at night for a long distance, stop frequently.
- Maintain a speed limit. Nighttime reduces your reaction time because you are already more tired. Your reaction time will be even more compromised if you Overspeed. It will make it more likely that you will have a collision.
- Keep an emergency kit with you that includes necessities like water, blankets, lamps, a first aid kit, etc. Most stores will be closed at night. So, this emergency pack will save the day.

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