Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Can You Get In Trouble for Hanging Outside the Car Window?
By Product Expert | Posted in Tips and Info on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 at 8:46 pm
Is It Illegal to Stick Your Head Out of a Car Window?
We’ve all seen it. Dogs living their best life, sticking their head out of the window as their tongue flies away in the breeze. You may have even seen kids do this, or may have done this when you were a child as well.
Of course, we all have seen movies where characters stand up in the vehicle, usually a limo, and stick their head out of the sunroof. The questions is though, is this actually illegal to do? After all, you may not be wearing a seat belt in some instances? So, could you get pulled over for doing this?
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Can You Get Fined for Going Outside the Car Window When It’s Moving?
So, first things first. It’s important to understand that local and state laws may differ across the country. So the details of what is legal or illegal may vary quite a bit, so be sure to check with your local authorities.
That said, if you’re sticking your head out of the car window, and you are not using a seat belt, that lack of seat belt use alone could be enough to get you in trouble. Of course, it is also extremely unsafe.
Either way, it’s not a great idea to stick your head out the window, or any other body part for that matter. It can be a serious safety hazard. Ultimately, that is what matters most. So, even if there is not a law specifically saying you can’t do so, sticking a body part outside of the window, at least excessively, could lead to the police pulling you over at least for safety concerns.
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