Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
How Do I Stop From Getting Pulled Over by the Police?
By Product Expert | Posted in Tips and Info on Thursday, July 6th, 2017 at 2:52 pm
How to Stop Getting Pulled Over
It’s obvious why some people get pulled over, we’ve all seen the driver swerving through traffic at high speeds and wished for a police officer to be waiting for that idiot around the next bend in the road. If you are not the driver that is bouncing between lanes, tailgating other vehicles and then passing at break neck speeds but still somehow find yourself on the wrong side of the law then here are 5 simple tips on how to stop getting pulled over.
Top 5 Ways to Avoid Getting Pulled Over
Follow the Flow of Traffic
No matter what the posted speed limit is, it is recommended to go with the flow of traffic. This simply means that you shouldn’t be passing or getting passed by the majority of traffic. Regardless of speed it is dangerous to be driving too slow or too fast in high traffic areas.
Stay Within 5-8 MPH of Posted Speed Limit
If you aren’t in a heavy traffic area and have the need for speed it is best to keep your lead foot to a minimum. In general, the speeding threshold is 5-8 MPH over the posted speed limit. There are exceptions to this rule and it is considered illegal to drive anything over the posted speed limit.
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Stay in the Right Lane
If you know that you can’t keep your foot off the gas and often find yourself on the wrong end of a radar gun, then you should stay in the right lane as much as possible. Even at high speeds you are much less likely to get pulled over if you are in the right lane. Police are looking for speeders in the left lane and assume vehicles in the right lane are setting the flow of traffic safely. After passing slower vehicles return to the right lane as soon as possible.
Proper Vehicle Maintenance
If you drive like an angel and still see cherries and berries in your rearview mirror too often it could be because your car is in disrepair. Things like burnt out lights, loud exhaust, or anything that makes your vehicle a nuisance or danger to other drivers on the road can get you pulled over.
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Use Proper Signals
So even if all your lights are in working order you still need to use them for effectiveness. Changing lanes or making a turn without proper signaling makes you a target to get pulled over as well. Not using turn signals add to traffic congestion and slows other drivers.
If you are always driving worried about getting pulled over follow my advice and before you know it all your worries will wash away. If it’s time to upgrade your ride, come visit us today at EVS Auto Group.