Driving Tips for Anxious Drivers

By Product Expert | Posted in FAQ, FAQs, Tips and Info on Thursday, September 5th, 2024 at 5:05 pm
a young driver fixing the rearview mirror of a car

How to Stop Anxiety When Driving?

Driving can be a nerve-wracking experience for some people. If you feel anxious behind the wheel, you’re not alone. Many drivers experience stress, worry, and even fear when on the road. But the good news is there are ways to manage and reduce that anxiety so you can feel more confident and comfortable while driving. How do you stop anxiety when driving? Please keep reading to learn about it from the team of experts at Von Schledorn Auto Group in Milwaukee, WI.

Follow These Tips Before You Go Off-Road 

6 Tips for a Calmer Ride  

Recognize the Triggers  

The first step in managing driving anxiety is to understand what triggers your feelings of stress. Is it highway driving, merging onto busy roads, or perhaps driving at night? Identifying your triggers can help you prepare for them and develop coping strategies.  

Start With Short, Calm Drives  

If driving makes you anxious, start small. Take short, quiet drives on familiar roads. This way, you can gradually build your confidence without feeling overwhelmed. Over time, as you get more comfortable, you can slowly extend your driving time and venture onto busier streets.  

Practice Deep Breathing Techniques  

Anxiety often causes us to breathe shallowly, which can make the feeling of panic worse. To counteract this, practice deep breathing exercises before and during your drive. Take slow, deep breaths to calm your nervous system and reduce the symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart or sweaty palms.  

image of a man driving a car
a man texting while driving

Stay Focused On the Present  

Anxious drivers often worry about what could happen on the road rather than focusing on what’s happening right now. Try to keep your mind in the present moment. Instead of thinking about potential dangers or what might go wrong, concentrate on the road ahead, the cars around you, and your driving.  

Avoid Distractions  

Distractions can make driving anxiety worse. Make sure your driving environment is as calm as possible. Keep your car tidy, minimize noise, and avoid using your phone while driving. If you listen to music, choose something soothing that helps you stay relaxed and focused.  

Take Breaks When Needed  

If you’re on a long drive and anxious, taking a break is okay. Find a safe place to pull over, stretch your legs, and take a few deep breaths. Giving yourself a moment to reset can do wonders for reducing anxiety and helping you continue your journey with a clearer mind.  

3 Tips for Teenage Drivers 

By recognizing your triggers, practicing relaxation techniques, and gradually building your confidence, you can learn how to stop anxiety when driving. If you’re ready to put these tips into practice and get behind the wheel of a new, reliable car, you can visit the Von Schledorn Auto Group dealership in Milwaukee, WI.  

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