Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
How to Stay Safe Around Semi Trucks
By Product Expert | Posted in Safety, Tips and Info on Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 at 3:24 pm
During this time of year, when the roadways are always iffy and the weather is unpredictable, it sometimes would be nice to have the roads to ourselves. Of course, that’s not how it works; there are still semi trucks on the road, and we need to be careful to be safe around them. But how, you ask? Here are four tips to help stay safe around semi trucks, from your friends here at EVS Auto Group.
How to Stay Safe Around Semi Trucks
Stay Out of the Blind Spots
Trucks, as with all of us, tend to look ahead more than they look backward. That’s why, particularly during winter weather, it’s important to stay out of the spots that might be problematic. Semis actually have two different blind spots — one back and to the left of the cab, and another just over the right of the front hood. If you’re preparing to pass a truck, we suggest you do so in a hurry to avoid getting caught in a blind spot.
Be Prepared to Yield
Trucks are obviously massive, as you are certainly aware. This is never more of a problem than on a congested highway when they are trying to change lanes, so if you see their blinkers light up, be sure to let them make the necessary merge. They’ll certainly appreciate the gesture, and the added safety is good for everyone involved.
Read More: Safety in Construction Zones
Be Patient
We know that trucks can take up a good deal of room, and that they sometimes become a nuisance if they’re entering or leaving a roadway. However, getting anxious won’t do you any good. Instead, simply be patient, maintain a safe distance from the trucks in your vicinity, and enjoy the idle moments before you begin traveling again.
Read More: What to Have in Your Winter Survival Kit
Never Cut Off a Truck
Really, you should never cut off anyone. You know this, of course. However, cutting off a truck comes down to more than mere bad manners. If you’ve cut off a truck, you’re toying with the fact that trucks can take up to three times as long to slow down as your conventional vehicle. So, if you cut off a truck and need to stop immediately, they may have trouble slowing down in time. Basically, don’t toy with this possibility.
Trucks are never to be trifled with, and that’s why we’re here to help. We hope you stay safe out there, and that you’ll come see us soon at EVS Auto Group!