Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
How to Keep a Dog Cool in the Car
By Product Expert | Posted in Safety, Tips and Info on Monday, July 4th, 2016 at 9:35 pm
We’re reaching the point in the summer where the heat is affecting all of us, although it might be shown in different ways. For humans, this obviously means that we’re dressing more comfortably and trying our best to remain in air-conditioned confines. But what about our dogs? Most among us have a canine friend of some sort, and keeping a dog cool in a car is vitally important to us at EVS Auto Group.
How to Keep a Dog Cool in the Car
Before we even get into the precautions that keep your dog from getting heat stroke — a major killer of many American dogs in the summer — it’s first important to understand how differently dogs take on heat compared to humans.
You’ve certainly seen dogs panting when they’re warm, and that is because dogs don’t expel heat like humans do, through sweat and pores. They also have no way of letting you know if they’re getting too warm, so you need to know how to spot the signs and know if your dog is at risk of heat stroke.
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Dogs and Heat Stroke
When a dog is experiencing discomfort from the heat, there are multiple signs to look for: heavy panting, trouble breathing, vomiting, red gums, lethargic or disoriented motions, seizures, or respiratory arrest. It’s also good to know the sorts of dogs that are more susceptible to heatstroke, such as breeds with heavy coats like pomeranians or huskies, or ones with short, stubby noses. Very old and very young dogs may also struggle with this.
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Now, how to keep a dog from getting heat stroke? The first step is really the only step: don’t leave your beloved dog in a hot car, because it’s really too hot for them to handle. An 82-degree outdoor temperature, by some estimates, will quickly translate to an unbearable 109 degrees inside the car.
If you’re going somewhere that your dog will have to wait in the vehicle, it’s best to just leave it at home. However, if you must bring your dog and the weather will be warm, bring plenty of water and a bowl to drink from, and have your dog groomed to remove any matted or extra fur that might have built up.
If you have any doubt about the danger of a dog in a hot car, then we’ve got a video for you to see starring NFL star Tyrann Mathieu. We hope that this quick video will tell you all you need to know regarding the temperature in a car, and that you’ll come see us soon at EVS Auto Group!