Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Tips for learning how to drive safely on snow and ice covered roads
By Product Expert | Posted in Safety, Tips and Info on Monday, January 30th, 2017 at 9:45 pm
How to Drive on Snow and Ice Covered Roads
Winter is now in full force and while we’d like to think it’s almost over, it really isn’t. There are many things that drivers hate the most about winter roads, buy snow and ice are definitely at the top of their list. Driving in the winter has many challenges and dangers so the better you are at navigating winter roads safely, the less intimidating your winter drives will be. The following information will help teach you some tips on how to drive on snow and ice covered roads more safely so you can make it home in one piece when the winter roads get bad.
[More Tips: How to Get Your Car Ready For Winter]
4 Tips for Driving on Snow and Ice
Always drive slowly. When the roads get full of ice and snow in the winter, you’ll want to slow your roll and drop that speed. When the roads are slippery from ice and snow, it can take much longer to come to a complete stop, so give yourself plenty of time.
- More space between vehicles. Allow for more space between you and the vehicle ahead of you so you can have the time you need to come to a full stop before you hit the vehicle ahead of you.
- Accelerate and brake very slowly. If you stomp on the gas or brakes too hard, chances are the slippery road condition will make your tires spin and slide. Take your time when slowing down and when accelerating. Also, make sure your tires are good.
- Learn how to control your vehicle if it slides. The longer and more often you drive on snow and ice covered roads, the better you’ll get at it. If you are not used to it, find an empty parking lot somewhere and practice learning how to maintain control when your car slides.
To read more tips like this, visit the informative “tips and info” section of the Van Schledorn Auto Group blog.