Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
How to Get Your Car to 200,000 Miles
By Product Expert | Posted in Service and Repair, Tips and Info on Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 at 7:37 pm
With our multiple locations spread across a number of Wisconsin cities, we at EVS Auto Group certainly share our expertise with a large swatch of different types of drivers. While many visit our dealerships in search of new vehicles, we also serve a great number of drivers who are looking to get the most out of their existing rides. So, how do you do that, exactly? Here are five tips to help get your car to 200,000 miles, which is commonly held as the goal for a vehicle that has given its buyer all that it can.
How to Get Your Car to 200,000 Miles
Keep Up On your “Wear Parts”
What is a “wear part,” you ask? These are the parts in your car that are crafted with the understanding that they’ll fail over time, parts such as tires, belts, bushings, bearings and brake pads. (Try saying that five times fast.) These parts will eventually wear out, but as long as you’re paying attention, you can get ahead of any issues that may arise related to your wear parts.
Make a Regular Maintenance Schedule
Regular maintenance is crucial when trying to make your car reach its full potential, and especially when trying to stay ahead of problems that can be relatively predictable. For example, you certainly are aware that your car needs regular oil changes, filter replacements, and the like. By getting on a regular schedule, you can keep problems from arising.
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Use Synthetic Fluids
Some drivers instinctively avoid synthetic fluids, simply because they’re more expensive. However, what you’re getting by paying more helps to stave off the effects of old age. Synthetic fluids protect against corrosion and thermal stress better than non-synthetics, which assists in maintaining engine health.
Avoid Short Trips with High-Mileage Vehicles
When you take your car on an extremely short trip — five miles in warm weather, or ten miles when it’s cold — you are unwittingly putting an old engine at risk. Water is a byproduct of the combustion process, which turns to sludge if it doesn’t get a chance to evaporate. If your car is only running for a few minutes, evaporation doesn’t have time to occur.
Use Your Diagnostic Skills
This generally comes down to “look, listen, smell,” and just using your own powers of deduction to tell if something isn’t going as it should. You can definitely see if there are fluids leaking onto your driveway, or hear if there’s a squeal or a knock that shouldn’t be happening. By simply paying attention, you can have a better idea what to tell our technicians when you visit us at EVS Auto Group.
It’s certainly possible to get your vehicle up and over 200,000 miles, but it’s hard to do alone. So why not schedule a service appointment at one of our dealerships, and you can be well on your way to a long and healthy automotive life!