Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Ford Starts Producing Supplies to Fight COVID-19
By Product Expert | Posted in New Ford Models on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Ford Joins Efforts to Produce Respirators and Ventilators for COVID-19 Patients
With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, it’s all hands on deck to defeat the illness. Unfortunately, many hospitals lack the necessary supplies and equipment to adequately treat those who fall ill with COVID-19. That’s why Ford is joining up with 3M, GE and the UAW to produce what they need.
The first campaign is to produce Powered Air-Purifying Respirators. Working with 3M, Ford has helped put together a new design that uses parts from both companies, and the brand with the blue oval is looking at using one of its facilities to handle production.
Ventilators are also a significant need at this time, and Ford has teamed up with GE Healthcare to increase production. GE Healthcare already has a ventilator design, but with Ford they will be looking to utilize a simplified version to aid in production.
Lastly, Ford is working alongside the UAW to develop plastic face shield. More than 100,000 will be produced per week by the company at one of Ford’s manufacturing plants. This is critical protective equipment to help keep doctors, nurses and other medical staff safe and healthy while treating the pandemic.
Like we said, it’s all hands on deck to combat COVID-19, and Ford is joining the front lines. To get more updates on what Ford is doing, be sure to check back to our website blog.