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Archive for the ‘Tips and Info’ Category
Five Tips to Help Deal with Flash Flooding
Friday, March 10th, 2017
While we’re certainly excited that spring is finally here, this doesn’t mean that it comes without its inherent struggles. There is yard work to be done, there are winter items that need to be put away, and there may well be flooding of the many rivers and tributaries around the Milwaukee area. So how can you stay safe? Here are five tips to help deal with flash flooding. (more…)
What are the Most Expensive Auto Repairs?
Tuesday, February 28th, 2017
If you’d like to make any driver wince, bring up an auto repair bill that is prohibitively expensive. It’s something that we understand innately, and it’s uncomfortable to even bring up. But which repairs are the most expensive? There are four that stand out, so it’s best to get ahead of these whenever you can. (more…)
5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Car
Monday, February 20th, 2017
Although this upcoming weekend’s weather might be doing its best to convince us otherwise, spring is truly on its way in the Milwaukee area. As you likely know, there are many nefarious ways that winter weather can affect your vehicle, and that’s why this is a great time to give your car the spring cleaning it deserves. But what should you do exactly? (more…)
Tips for learning how to drive safely on snow and ice covered roads
Monday, January 30th, 2017
How to Drive on Snow and Ice Covered Roads
Winter is now in full force and while we’d like to think it’s almost over, it really isn’t. There are many things that drivers hate the most about winter roads, buy snow and ice are definitely at the top of their list. Driving in the winter has many challenges and dangers so the better you are at navigating winter roads safely, the less intimidating your winter drives will be. The following information will help teach you some tips on how to drive on snow and ice covered roads more safely so you can make it home in one piece when the winter roads get bad. (more…)
Five Ways to Improve Your Fuel Economy
Monday, January 30th, 2017
At EVS Auto group, we pride ourselves on offering a pretty fuel-efficient lineup of vehicles. That being said, there are still ways to enhance your fuel economy, and they aren’t even all that hard. You like to get the most out of your fuel, don’t you? So, from your friends at EVS Auto Group, here are five ways to improve your fuel economy. (more…)
How to Stay Safe Around Semi Trucks
Wednesday, January 18th, 2017
During this time of year, when the roadways are always iffy and the weather is unpredictable, it sometimes would be nice to have the roads to ourselves. Of course, that’s not how it works; there are still semi trucks on the road, and we need to be careful to be safe around them. But how, you ask? Here are four tips to help stay safe around semi trucks, from your friends here at EVS Auto Group. (more…)
How Often Should You Replace Your Windshield Wipers?
Tuesday, December 27th, 2016
Failing to replace your windshield wipers when they need to be can be dangerous for driving as wipers that are not correctly working can leave streaking or hazing which causes poor visibility. Windshield wipers should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you begin to notice a difference in driving visibility. Here are some signs that it may be time to replace your wiper blades.  (more…)
4 Methods to Prevent Holiday Stress
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016
If you’ve already begun celebrating your holidays in the Milwaukee area, you’re probably still maintaining a positive frame of mind. We haven’t seen much snow yet, the temperatures are still mild, and the best is still ahead. Yet, once the holidays kick into high gear, you might experience a different feeling: crippling, terrible stress. So how can you keep this from happening? Here are four methods to prevent stress this Christmas season. (more…)
Knowing When it’s Time to Replace Your Brakes
Monday, November 28th, 2016
There are countless important automotive components, and it’s hard to prioritize one over the other when things start to go wrong. However, we can generally agree that brakes are vitally important, since, you know, they stop your car when you don’t feel like launching off a cliff or what have you. But how do you know when they’re starting to go? (more…)
Our Milwaukee-Area Dealerships Will Help You Prepare Your Car for Winter
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
We’re finally at the point in our yearly calendar when, even without looking at a forecast, we can reasonably assume that the weather is set to take a turn for the worse. While we’ve gotten off easy up to this point, we’re finally starting to see some turbulence headed our way. So how do you get your car ready for winter? We’re well-versed in the answers to this question at EVS Auto Group, and we’re happy to help out with some tips to prepare for the season ahead. (more…)