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Archive for the ‘Tips and Info’ Category
What Rules Should I Follow While Driving on the Highway?
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
Highway Driving Tips & Rules to Follow
Why does it seem on the days that we are already running late, everyone on the highway is driving like they are in a parade? The most frustrating part of our day is when we encounter three vehicles driving the same speed across all three lanes of traffic, essentially rendering the entire concept of a multi-lane highway obsolete. You don’t need to be an aggressive speed demon on the highway to facilitate proper traffic flow, all you need to do is be attentive and conscientious of other drivers on the highway. Avoid causing and getting caught in congestion on the highway by following these simple rules and tips. (more…)
What are the Basic Camping Essentials?
Thursday, July 13th, 2017
Summer time is the season to load up the family and all the gear into the back of the Ford F-150 and hit the woods for family bonding time. Also known as camping, nothing brings the family closer than severing the civilization cord and roughing it at the campsite for a weekend or more. There are no stronger memories made than those made in the wilderness. Sitting around the campfire telling stories and laughing until we cry helps us connect with those closest to us. If it’s time to make life long memories with the ones closest to you, ditch the city and head towards the north woods. Even if you are not an experienced outdoorsman you can still organize a successful camping trip by remembering to bring these basic camping essentials. (more…)
How Do I Stop From Getting Pulled Over by the Police?
Thursday, July 6th, 2017
How to Stop Getting Pulled Over
It’s obvious why some people get pulled over, we’ve all seen the driver swerving through traffic at high speeds and wished for a police officer to be waiting for that idiot around the next bend in the road. If you are not the driver that is bouncing between lanes, tailgating other vehicles and then passing at break neck speeds but still somehow find yourself on the wrong side of the law then here are 5 simple tips on how to stop getting pulled over. (more…)
15 Best Bands at Summerfest 2017?
Friday, June 9th, 2017
Summerfest 2017 Best Band Lineup
2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Summerfest in Milwaukee, WI. The world’s largest music festival is the unofficial start of summer and reigns from June 28th to July 2nd, takes a short set break then returns from July 4th to July 9th.. With headliners like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers and Willie Nelson just to name some of the legends performing at the American Family Insurance Amphitheater, Summerfest 2017 is destined to make life long memories. You might be surprised then that the best band lineup of 2017 Summerfest is taking place on the numerous *free stages around the Henry Maier festival grounds. (more…)
What’s the Difference Between the 2017 Chevy Equinox and the 2017 Chevy Traverse?
Sunday, May 28th, 2017
2017 Chevy Equinox VS 2017 Chevy Traverse
Shopping for a new car can be a headache. Dealing with pushy salesmen trying to earn the most commission can cloud our rational judgment. Even with a good understanding of what type of vehicle we need often times there are two models closely resembling each other that we are choosing between. To the naked eye the 2017 Chevy Equinox and the 2017 Chevy Traverse look quite similar but once you peel back the exterior the differences are easily noticed.
(more…)What Are Some Basic Summer Water Safety Tips?
Thursday, May 25th, 2017
Water Safety Tips and Advice
Summer is a season of excess. Camping, fishing, boating, Wisconsin Dells and Bar-B-Q’s by the pool just to name a few frequent activities, and the common denominator is water. Whether at a lake, river or just the neighborhood pool, water is ever present and even the strongest swimmers should still practice caution and follow these water safety tips and advice. (more…)
Does Tire Pressure Affect My Fuel Efficiency
Wednesday, May 24th, 2017
I was driving cautiously as I always do when the car in front of me swerves quickly to avoid a pothole the size of Lake Michigan and before I can avoid the beast it almost swallows my tire whole but I make it out the other side. Instantly an icon of a flat tire appears on the dashboard warning me of “low tire pressure”. I find myself asking: How much does tire pressure affect my car anyway? Does it decrease my fuel efficiency? Low tire pressure just makes for a softer more comfortable ride, right? How do I know how much pressure I should have in my tires? Questions swirl about my brain.
(more…)5 Signs of a Dying Battery
Saturday, April 29th, 2017
We might sometimes overlook or ignore the importance of our batteries, probably because their duties seem so simple: start the car and keep it running. But how do you know if your battery is getting ready to kick the bucket? Here are six signs to look for. (more…)
How to Stay Safe Driving in Severe Summer Weather
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
Summer weather…there’s nothing like it. At one moment, you can be teeing off on the first hole, enjoying a joyful drenching of sunshine. By the time you’ve hit hole five, however, you’re getting a drenching of a different kind, and are cowering under a tree hoping for a reprieve. These conditions can be particularly rough if you’re in the car, but they don’t have to be. Here are tips for driving in severe summer weather, particularly thunderstorms, hail and high winds. (more…)
How to Use a Roundabout
Tuesday, March 21st, 2017
Nowadays, most cities in Wisconsin and other states have at least one or two roundabouts that drivers must navigate. Even for drivers who learned how to use them during driver’s education, roundabouts can be a bit confusing. That’s why our team at EVS Auto put together this helpful guide to help you learn how roundabouts work. (more…)