Archive for the ‘Tips and Info’ Category

3 ways you can save money on car insurance

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
Vehicle insurance

Car insurance is one of the most boring topics to talk about, but sometimes it’s necessary. Everyone who has a car likely also has some form of car insurance. Of course, insurance isn’t always cheap and it can be a financial burden. Check out a few simple ways you can save on car insurance.  (more…)

Is it better to buy a new or used car?

Monday, July 8th, 2019
2018 Chevrolet Impala

Anytime you have gone car shopping, you have likely seen a selection of new vehicles and another selection of pre-owned vehicles. Used cars almost always come with a lower price tag, but what other advantages come with them? What about new cars? Keep reading to learn about the benefits of both new and used vehicles.  (more…)

How to keep your car cool this summer 

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
How to keep your car cool this summer 

Summer is a wonderful time of year. The weather is pristine, there’s more to do, holidays to celebrate, and barbecues to be had. With this wonderful weather comes some dangers, however. If your car sits in the sun all day, the inside of it can get well over 100°F, even if the air temperature is 70°F. Continue reading to learn more about how to keep your car cooler in the summer.  (more…)

Easy ways to stop or prevent car sickness

Monday, April 22nd, 2019
Easy ways to stop or prevent car sickness

If you’re prone to car sickness, you know that long car rides can be miserable. Motion sickness is no joke. What causes it, though? How can it be stopped or prevented altogether? Continue reading to learn more so you feel better during your next road trip.  (more…)

3 tips for teenage drivers

Monday, April 8th, 2019
Hands of a man driving

When you’re a teenager, driving is a big deal. You feel like you wait forever to get your license and then you finally pass your driver’s test and you’re free. No matter what your age is, driving comes with plenty of safety concerns. Younger drivers, however, might need some reminders as they get on the roads for the first time. Keep reading to learn more. (more…)

How can I get dog hair out of my car?

Friday, April 5th, 2019
Dog inside a car

If you drive around with your furry friends, you know they can leave hair behind. And we’re not talking about your hairy uncle Ron. No, we mean your doggo. Some dogs shed a ton and leave fur everywhere they go. This can be unsightly, and it can cause serious allergy problems for some of your passengers. So, there has to be an easy way to get rid of it in your car, right? Well, there are a few easy ways to do that. Keep reading to learn more.  (more…)

Why is my check engine light flashing?

Thursday, April 4th, 2019
Check engine light

One of the most common annoyances drivers everywhere face is that little orange check engine light. It might say “SERVICE ENGINE SOON” or it might just be a little symbol loosely resembling an engine. Regardless, it can be very annoying because nothing else may seem obviously wrong. There are a few different explanations for why your light is on. Keep reading to explore those.  (more…)

Online car credit approval Milwaukee WI 

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019
Online car credit approval

Are you looking for easy access to online vehicle financing? With Eric von Schledorn Motors, you can apply for credit for your next Ford, Chevy, Buick, or Cadillac. If you are a new or used car shopper in the greater Milwaukee area, consider doing business with Eric von Schledorn Motors. Start your journey by easily applying for financing online. Continue reading to learn more.  (more…)

Helpful tips for renting a car 

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019
Man holding car keys

The ability to rent a car when you’re away on vacation is undeniably convenient. You can’t exactly pack up your car when you board your flight, but you still need to get around when you get to your destination. Enter the rental car. Rental cars are great, but there are some things you should know if you want to save money on one. Keep reading to learn more.  (more…)

Find a Christmas Tree Farm around Milwaukee, WI

Friday, December 7th, 2018
Christmas Tree

Where Can I Cut Down My Own Christmas Tree around Milwaukee, WI? 2018

Christmas will be here in just a few short weeks and if you have been searching for a place in or around Milwaukee where you can take the family to cut down your 2018 Christmas tree then look no further.  We have found five tree farms that will let you choose and cut down your very own Christmas tree.  Cutting down the Christmas tree with kids will make memories that last a lifetime.  No one is going to remember taking the fake Christmas tree out of the box, trust us.  Find a Christmas tree farm near you from the list below and have the happiest of holidays from all of us here at EVS Auto. (more…)