Archive for the ‘Tips and Info’ Category

Will flat towing a vehicle damage it?

Monday, May 11th, 2020
A puzzled woman holds a cardboard sign with the word "help" written on it in marker.

Safety of Dinghy Towing

Flat towing, also called dinghy towing or four-wheels-down towing, refers to the practice of pulling one vehicle behind another, with all four wheels of the towed vehicle being in contact with the ground. The most common implementation of this is when a vehicle is towed behind an RV, which tends to have the power to pull such a move off.

But flat towing gets a variety of reactions in the automotive world, with some saying it’s fine and others insisting it will cause damage to your towed vehicle. Is flat towing safe?


What is a spray-on bedliner?

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
A woman tied to an elaborate harness sprays a spray-in bedliner into a pickup truck, both being suspended above the clouds on a complex contraption.

Pickup Truck Spray-in Bedliner FAQs

If you’re looking to buy, or have bought, a new truck, you may have heard talk of something called a “bedliner.” This seems straightforward enough, but then another phrase gets thrown into the mix that just may blow the unsuspecting trucker’s mind: “spray-in bedliner.” Just what is a spray-in bedliner?


How to program Ford F-150 garage door opener?

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
nice garage door

Setting Up Homelink® Garage Door Opener in a Ford F-150

There are two types of garage door openers: rolling code and fixed code. We’ve laid out a step-by-step guide for both types of openers.

Here’s how to program your Ford F-150 garage door opener.


Can You Get In Trouble for Hanging Outside the Car Window?

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
people sitting on top of a vehicle

Is It Illegal to Stick Your Head Out of a Car Window? 

We’ve all seen it. Dogs living their best life, sticking their head out of the window as their tongue flies away in the breeze. You may have even seen kids do this, or may have done this when you were a child as well. 


Chevy’s New Roads Publication Offers Parenting Tools and Tips

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
package delivery to your chevy

Chevy Gives Parenting Tips to Those With Kids 

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things in life, but it can also be one of the hardest, especially if you have multiple children. It certainly keeps you busy, but there are things you can do and tools you can utilize to help you out. 


GM Fights COVID-19

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
person making a ventilator

General Motors Helps With Ventilator Production 

The current coronavirus pandemic is creating challenges for everyone across the world, and unfortunately, the medical community is perhaps the hardest hit, tasked with caring for those who have fallen ill without adequate equipment. 


Do Turn Signals Have to Be a Certain Color?

Thursday, February 27th, 2020
traffic jam at night

Why Are the Turn Signals On Our Cars Red or Orange? 

There are many things in life that we take for granted, and that is definitely true when it comes to our cars. For instance, why do cars have four wheels instead of three? Or, why do we use a steering wheel to control or cars and not a joystick? 


Know What to Carry in Your Car This Winter

Monday, December 30th, 2019
Snow plow on snowy road with car behind it and text below saying Know What To Carry in Your Car This Winter

Preparing a Winter Safety Kit

Winter in Wisconsin can be very intense. One day the weather will be clear, the next day it rains, the following it snows and suddenly, safe driving conditions deteriorate. You never know what can happen while you’re traveling through winter conditions. This is why it is important to stay prepared and know what to carry in your car this winter. Also, you should know how to get your vehicle ready for cold weather and snow.


Get Your Vehicle Ready for Cold Weather and Snow

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
Cars on street covered in snow with how to prepare your car for winter in text above

How to Prepare Your Car for Winter

Whether you’re ready or not, winter is closer than you think. We’ve already had the first snow fall of the season and temperatures have dropped. It’s important to keep your car in tip-top shape during winter months so you can consistently rely on it. What can you do to get your car ready for winter and prepare for the most intense season of the year? Even though we can’t persuade Mother Nature to skip this snowy season, we can prepare and get our cars ready for the cold weather. (more…)

How to use Remote Start and Keyless Entry in your Chevy

Friday, October 11th, 2019
Remote Start and Keyless Entry in your Chevy

Times have changed, and technology has advanced to the point where conventional keys are almost becoming extinct in vehicles. This isn’t a bad thing, though. The advancement of keyless entry and remote start technology is more efficient and can actually make it harder for carjackers to steal your car. Of course, it also adds a touch of convenience for you, the driver. Take a look at the videos below to learn how to use Remote Start and Keyless Entry in your Chevy! (more…)