Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for the ‘Tips and Info’ Category
How can I easily find out and compare what features a car has?
Thursday, January 21st, 2021
When shopping for a new car, it can be overwhelming to try to compare the pros and cons of different models. Everything seems to come loaded with differing arrays of comfort, convenience, tech and safety features these days. How can one find out what features a specific model has, and compare them easily against the features of other models?
(more…)Is it safe to run an electric car in the garage (or indoors)?
Tuesday, January 19th, 2021
EV Garage Safety and Fume Hazards
It’s a big no-no to turn on your combustion engine vehicle in an enclosed space and let it run; such actions are known to cause the proliferation of highly dangerous carbon monoxide which can quickly lead to death for those exposed.
However, electric vehicles don’t seem to emit such harmful fumes; not noticeably, at least. Is it safe to run your EV in the garage, or even in your house?
(more…)What’s the difference between hp and bhp?
Wednesday, January 13th, 2021
The power output capabilities of an engine are commonly represented through a type of measurement known as “horsepower,” often abbreviated as “hp.” However, you may also come across a figure denoted as “bhp;” this number tends to be different from the horsepower number. What is bhp, and how does it differ from hp?
(more…)When will the COVID-19 vaccine be widely available for Milwaukee residents?
Thursday, December 31st, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Availability for the General Public in Milwaukee, WI
We’ve all heard the news: a COVID-19 vaccine has been produced. At least two, in fact. Healthcare workers have already been receiving the vaccine, and older adults are next. Along with older adults, the vaccine will be prioritized for essential workers and at-risk individuals.
Though the vaccine has started rolling out, the schedule of distribution may still seem a bit unclear. When will the general public be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine here in Milwaukee?
(more…)Should I use snow tires in Milwaukee?
Friday, December 18th, 2020
Snow Tire Safety Recommendations for Wisconsin Roads
One of the most dangerous parts of living in Wisconsin is winter driving. The long, cold, and snowy Wisconsin winters can make what used to be routine drives a perilous endeavor. Slipping and sliding on snow and ice is simply not ideal for safety.
The main rule to follow to stay safe on Wisconsin winter roads is to drive slowly and cautiously. However, there are a variety of other steps individuals can take to make their winter drive safer. One of these is by putting snow tires on their vehicle. Should snow tires be used during winter in Milwaukee?
(more…)Do car models change every year?
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020
Vehicle Redesigns, Refreshes, and Carry-Overs
If you were to make a trip to our dealership here year after year, you would see a lot of vehicles with the same names, but with different years in front of those names. Are cars always changing? Is every 2020 model superior to every 2019 model, and every 2019 superior to every 2018, and so on? Do vehicles actually get upgraded every year?
(more…)Where can I get a used car with a loan in the Milwaukee area?
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
Opting for a used rather than new car is a popular, economical choice these days. Modern vehicles hold their value and quality for longer than we’ve seen in the past, which makes them all the more appetizing as pre-owned candidates. Where can one finance a used car in the Milwaukee area?
(more…)Where can I find emergency food distribution sites in Milwaukee during COVID-19?
Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
Milwaukee County Emergency Food Distribution Locations
Adjectives such as “uncertain,” “unforeseen,” and the now-nearly-taboo “unprecedented” have been batted around a lot recently, but there’s a reason for that: these strange times truly are all of the above. Many individuals have found themselves facing challenges they hadn’t experienced before, while others are seeing their previous struggled exacerbated by the pandemic.
Luckily, the community here in Milwaukee is providing lots of resources to help one another get by. One of these services is food distribution. Where can one find emergency food distribution services in Milwaukee, WI?
(more…)Are businesses in Milwaukee exempt from wearing masks if they choose?
Monday, October 26th, 2020
Milwaukee COVID-19 Mask Laws for Business Owners
The United States is in the midst of a public health crisis. Wearing masks and practicing social distancing are the best methods that humanity has currently devised to slow the spread, save lives, and work toward an eventual solution.
However, due to a variety of factors particular to our strange modern world (of which social media is not the least), differing misguided beliefs have arisen, with some individuals doubting the feasibility of masks and even of the reality of the virus itself.
If one of these misguided folks owns a business, are they allowed to choose not to wear (or not enforcing enforce the wearing of) face masks on their premises?
(more…)Where can I get tested for COVID-19 in Milwaukee?
Friday, October 23rd, 2020
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Milwaukee, WI
Getting tested for COVID can be a helpful way to keep yourself and others safe from the virus. Some sites are drive-thru or walk up and free for anyone, regardless of symptoms. In general, anyone with symptoms should request to be tested. Individuals are encouraged to try their primary care doctor first.
For those without transportation, there’s a free downtown shuttle to the Miller Park COVID-19 testing site. Note that masks and social distancing are required on the shuttle. Other sites can be perused via the map below. Stay safe!