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Archive for the ‘Fun Stuff’ Category
What are the All-Time Scariest Halloween Movies?
Thursday, October 5th, 2017
As the sun sets a little deeper, casting an eerie haze over the evening and advising everyone that Halloween is approaching. Whether it be the sullen, sunken sunset, the blood orange moon, or the dead leaves whipping through the wind, there is a certain spook in the air as Halloween approaches. Not everyone seeks out the sound of the bump in the night or the unexpected creek of an old door, but for those that do Halloween is their Christmas and Thanksgiving wrapped in one. It is a month-long celebration of everything creepy, and kooky, the spooky and the ooky, when adults and children alike get to delight in playing dress up. (more…)
Where are the Best 2017 Haunted Houses near Milwaukee, WI?
Monday, October 2nd, 2017
As autumn creeps into our consciousness, inevitably the idea of Halloween grabs root along with it. Hayrides, corn mazes and pumpkin patches are all on the radar for fall fun, but the main attraction is always the haunted house. Nothing says fall louder than the primal screams emanating from a haunted house. If you are looking for some bone-chilling fall attractions, then check out the best haunted houses near Milwaukee, WI in 2017. (more…)
What’s Going on in Milwaukee, WI in October 2017?
Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Wisconsin weather can be a sultry seductress one day and an oppressive ice princess the next. As fall approaches, veteran Wisconsinites know that winter will be here after one rake of the leaves, and we know that fall is our time to soak up whatever sunshine remains. If you are not ready to throw in the towel on outdoor activities yet this year, then here is a list of what’s happening in October 2017 around Milwaukee, WI. Fall is a great time to enjoy all the Wisconsin has to offer, with natural beauty surrounding us and crisp autumn air filling our lungs, an autumn afternoon in Wisconsin can be a slice of heaven on earth. Mark your calendar and find your fall adventure at these five fantastic events in Milwaukee, WI. (more…)
Where are the Best Pumpkin Patches Near Milwaukee, WI?
Friday, September 15th, 2017
The smell of fall is in the air and with that comes Packer football, early autumn nights, and the annual trip to the pumpkin patch. There is just something nostalgic about getting lost in a corn maze and meandering through a wooded dirt trail on a hay ride. After a full day of fall activities, you take the pumpkins that you picked right from the field and carve them into ghost and goblins, while pumpkin seeds bake in the oven, and everything is right in the world. As the day quickly turns to dusk, you stoke a fire and light the grill and the whole family gathers to enjoy the short lived, yet splendid autumns in Wisconsin. If this is a tradition that you want to start, here is a handy guide to the best pumpkin patches near Milwaukee, WI (more…)
What Do I Need to Throw the Best Sunday Tailgate?
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
Football season has kicked off, which means it is time to invite the whole gang over for the game. Unless you were lucky enough to score tickets for all of you, which is almost impossible. The next best thing to being in the stadium is watching the game in the comfort of your own home on your giant flat screen TV. Whether at home or in the stadium parking lot there are few things that every successful tailgate must have. Because, at the end of the game, win or lose, if your gameday tailgate is lame, everyone is a loser. Don’t become the butt of all your friends jokes and get everything you need to throw the best Sunday tailgate in town. (more…)
Where Can I Find the Best Chicken Wings Around Milwaukee, WI?
Friday, September 1st, 2017
It has already been a long week and it is only Wednesday, as you trek home through traffic all you can think about is your annoying boss and his smug, arrogant smile. There has to be something better in life, something that saves you from unloading a volley of violent obscenities at your boss, and there is. We can always find solace in our friends and family, but where we really find the deepest desertion of our daily discontent is at the bottom of a basket of delicious chicken wings, preferably tossed in a medium-spicy sauce. Allowing our fingers to get soaked in sauce and licking the sauce off of them in delight while we sit alone in a corner bar enjoying a pint. If you are in search of an escape at the bottom of a bucket-full of chicken wings, then strap on the feedbag and get to know these mouth-watering wings. (more…)
What’s Going on Around Milwaukee, WI September 2017?
Thursday, August 17th, 2017
With summer drawing to a close, we find ourselves feeling mildly unsatisfied because we never find the time to do all the summer activities that we planned on doing. Just because August is about over and the kids are heading back to school doesn’t mean that summer is over quite yet. If you are feeling like summer has slipped you by without so much as a courtesy wave, then check out what’s going on around Milwaukee, WI in September 2017. (more…)
Where Can I Pick My Own Apples Near Milwaukee, WI?
Monday, August 14th, 2017
The days have already started to shrink and with that the reality that summer is coming to an end starts to sink in. As the nights grow longer, bringing autumn nearer with every departing day we lament the passing of summer but embrace all that autumn has to offer. Fall brings cooler temperatures, Packer football and harvest season, and that means it’s time to find the best place to pick apples near Milwaukee, WI.
(more…)What are the 2017 Wisconsin State Fair Dates & Concerts?
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017
2017 Wisconsin State Fair Dates & Concerts
The epic 11-day Wisconsin State Fair is upon us and if you have been counting down until the doors open on Thursday, August 3rd, then anticipation is at a fever pitch as you count down the final hours. Spanning August 3rd to August 13th the Wisconsin State Fair is an immense example of everything our great state has to offer. Taking over the enormous 200-acre grounds with exhibitors, entertainment, food and drink, and if you can’t make it to all 11 days of the 2017 Wisconsin State Fair you need to at least attend a day or two. After your paid admission, there are 25 stages hosting live music throughout the day and night. An additional cost is associated with the headliners performing at the Potawatomi main stage every night, and here are the dates and times of those concerts.
(more…)Where are the Best Campgrounds in Wisconsin?
Monday, July 31st, 2017
Gather up the troops this summer and get out and enjoy Wisconsin while the sun still shines, because we all know summer will be over before we know it. We already are counting down the days until the kids go back to school but there is still time to get out and explore wondrous Wisconsin before the leaves start to fly. Roasting marshmallows for s’mores and telling ghost stories around the fire make for lasting memories. Siting on the edge of the pier in complete darkness looking up at the stars that seem close enough to reach out and touch.  Teaching your kids about the awe-inspiring constellations is something you’ll both remember forever, even if you can’t remember all the names of the constellations anymore.  Show the kids the stars at the best campgrounds in Wisconsin this summer. (more…)