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Archive for the ‘Community’ Category
Are businesses in Milwaukee exempt from wearing masks if they choose?
Monday, October 26th, 2020
Milwaukee COVID-19 Mask Laws for Business Owners
The United States is in the midst of a public health crisis. Wearing masks and practicing social distancing are the best methods that humanity has currently devised to slow the spread, save lives, and work toward an eventual solution.
However, due to a variety of factors particular to our strange modern world (of which social media is not the least), differing misguided beliefs have arisen, with some individuals doubting the feasibility of masks and even of the reality of the virus itself.
If one of these misguided folks owns a business, are they allowed to choose not to wear (or not enforcing enforce the wearing of) face masks on their premises?
(more…)Where can I get tested for COVID-19 in Milwaukee?
Friday, October 23rd, 2020
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Milwaukee, WI
Getting tested for COVID can be a helpful way to keep yourself and others safe from the virus. Some sites are drive-thru or walk up and free for anyone, regardless of symptoms. In general, anyone with symptoms should request to be tested. Individuals are encouraged to try their primary care doctor first.
For those without transportation, there’s a free downtown shuttle to the Miller Park COVID-19 testing site. Note that masks and social distancing are required on the shuttle. Other sites can be perused via the map below. Stay safe!
(more…)What maintenance should I perform on my vehicle during fall in Wisconsin?
Monday, October 19th, 2020
Fall Vehicle Care and Maintenance Tips for the Milwaukee Area
Fall has arrived. This means cooler weather, bright fall colors, and fresh, crisp leaves. Another, less-publicized aspect of fall, however, is the pre-winter ritual of vehicle maintenance.
It’s important to have one’s vehicle in tip-top condition before the winter hits. This is especially important here in the Milwaukee area, where we’re beset by both the notoriously savage Wisconsin winters and, for many of us, the rigors of city driving.
What fall maintenance should one have performed on their vehicle in order to be ready for winter?
(more…)What delicious fall foods should I try in Milwaukee?
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020
Autumnal Treats in Brew City
Fall is here, and it has once again brought with it that special sweater-wrapped, cider-scented, chilled breeze aesthetic that’s really hard not to like (as much as the cynics among us may try). In Wisconsin, this beautiful season is fleeting. One way to best take advantage of it while it’s here (and fully imbibe the autumn vibes into one’s soul) is by eating some special fall foods.
We looked to our good friends over at Milwaukee Mag for some ideas of consumables to track down. Peruse below, and may the leaves fall ever in your favor!
(more…)Why does Wisconsin call it a bubbler?
Sunday, September 27th, 2020
Bubbler History and Etymology
Several stereotypes come to mind when most people think about the Badger State: a penchant for cheese, religious devotion to the Green Bay Packers, and some unique dialectical choices. Falling into this final category is the widespread use of the the word “bubbler,” in reference to the individual drinking fountains that most of the rest of the English-speaking world refers to as, well, drinking fountains.
It’s nothing new to point out that Wisconsinites use the word “bubbler;” the word was referenced as a “You Know You’re From Milwaukee When…” giveaway in newspapers as far back as the 1960s. But why, exactly, is this term so firmly seared onto Wisconsin tongues?
(more…)Why Are There So Many Lakes in Wisconsin?
Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
An Explanation of How and Why There are So Many Lakes in Wisconsin
With up to 15,000 lakes in Wisconsin, there’s plenty of boating, fishing, and sightseeing to check out wherever you go. We even have one right nearby our Random Lake location! But why are there so many lakes in Wisconsin? At Eric von Schledorn, we look at a process of how many of them were formed in our great state.
(more…)What makes Alpine Valley a legendary venue?
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020
The Special Charm and Mystique of Alpine Valley Music Theatre
The Milwaukee area has many gifts. One gem that sometimes flies just under the radar is Alpine Valley, a concert venue located out in East Troy, WI. Over the years, a horde of musicians and festivals have played there, with many giving particular praise to the location as one of their favorite spots to play. What is it that makes Alpine Valley such a legendary venue in concert circles?
(more…)Where are good spots to go camping in the Milwaukee area?
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Varied Camping Area Suggestions near Milwaukee, WI
In this era of COVID-19, many of our usual summer activities are simply off the table. Thankfully, one avenue still open is attending a campground in a safe, responsible manner. When doing so, be sure to stay safe; wear masks when indoors (and outdoors whenever adequate social distancing is not possible) and follow all the rules of Governor Evers’ latest mandate.
To help stimulate some ideas on where to head, we’ve compiled a few (relatively) local choices below. The first two are our “hip” choices (with the first being a clothing-optional location), and the latter two are more traditional. Explore and see what you think! The experience and adventure are the important elements, if you ask us.
(more…)Where can I take part in group meditation in the Milwaukee area?
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Meditation Centers in the Milwaukee Area
Whether you’re an experienced meditator on the verge of pure satori or a newcomer to the cushion, Milwaukee offers a pleasing variety of centers where you can get your Zen on. To give you a starting sample, we’ve compiled the list below.
Please note that some of these establishments may be closed or have altered hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We recommend checking their website and/or contacting them for confirmation before making the journey to their location.
(more…)Where can I find historic architecture in Milwaukee?
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Historic Buildings in Milwaukee
There are many things to love about Milwaukee, and one of those elements is the city’s historic architecture. From cathedrals to unique government buildings, lighthouses and haunted hotels, this city boasts an array of delightful structures to soak in.
With so much out there, it can be tough to know where to start. What are some key historic buildings in Milwaukee?