Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for March, 2020
Can You Get In Trouble for Hanging Outside the Car Window?
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
Is It Illegal to Stick Your Head Out of a Car Window?
We’ve all seen it. Dogs living their best life, sticking their head out of the window as their tongue flies away in the breeze. You may have even seen kids do this, or may have done this when you were a child as well.
(more…)Chevy’s New Roads Publication Offers Parenting Tools and Tips
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
Chevy Gives Parenting Tips to Those With Kids
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things in life, but it can also be one of the hardest, especially if you have multiple children. It certainly keeps you busy, but there are things you can do and tools you can utilize to help you out.
(more…)GM Fights COVID-19
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
General Motors Helps With Ventilator Production
The current coronavirus pandemic is creating challenges for everyone across the world, and unfortunately, the medical community is perhaps the hardest hit, tasked with caring for those who have fallen ill without adequate equipment.
(more…)Ford Starts Producing Supplies to Fight COVID-19
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
Ford Joins Efforts to Produce Respirators and Ventilators for COVID-19 Patients
With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, it’s all hands on deck to defeat the illness. Unfortunately, many hospitals lack the necessary supplies and equipment to adequately treat those who fall ill with COVID-19. That’s why Ford is joining up with 3M, GE and the UAW to produce what they need.
(more…)How Much Has the Ford Logo Changed Over the Years?
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
Did the Ford Logo Change?
Have you ever remembered an event or a memory one way, only to have a person or see a photo that suggests it actually went very differently from how you remember? It happens all the time, right?
(more…)Ford Celebrates the Mathematic Backgrounds of Its Workers
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020
How Ford Uses Math for Self-Driving Cars
Earlier this month was Pi Day, specifically on March 14. If you don’t know what that is, pi is the mathematical constant that is defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Pi is an infinite number, but is usually shortened to 3.14 to make things simple. That is why March 14 (3-14) is known as Pi Day.
(more…)General Motors Rolls Out Interest-Free Buying
Friday, March 27th, 2020
What Is Chevy and GM Doing During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
In a matter of just a couple weeks, the world was turned upside down with the spread of COVID-19, the coronavirus pandemic that is sweeping our country and the rest of the world. If you drive a Chevy or other GM vehicle, you may wonder what General Motors is doing to help people during a time when jobs are uncertain and the economy is struggling.
(more…)Find Reassurance During Coronavirus Pandemic Through Ford’s Payment Deferrals
Friday, March 27th, 2020
Details of Ford’s Payment Relief Program During COVID-19 Crisis
With the current coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, these are difficult and scary times for everyone. Many jobs have already been cut, and many more are on the line during this time of economic uncertainty.
(more…)The Chevy Traverse Will Be Redesigned for 2021
Friday, March 13th, 2020
What’s New for the 2021 Chevy Traverse
There are big things in store from Chevy over the coming years, and recently, the brand revealed some information about what we can expect from the 2021 Chevy Traverse. There are some exciting things to share with you, so continue reading down below.
(more…)Electric Ford Transit Coming in 2022
Friday, March 13th, 2020
What We Know About Ford’s Electric Transit Commercial Van
When you hear the term “electric vehicle” you may think of a brand like Tesla, or maybe even a hybrid model like a Toyota Prius. But soon, Ford will be the name you’ll think of when you hear that term, as the brand with the blue oval is leading the charge in delivering electric vehicle capability to a more diverse range of vehicles than ever before.