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Archive for August, 2017
Tell Me About the Cargo & Passenger Capabilities of the 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack Cargo & Passenger Capabilities
The end of summer is right around the corner and that makes right now the perfect time to squeeze in one more adventure before the leaves begin to fall. Late August is the best opportunity to embark on an outdoor escape because of its cooler nights and pleasant sun-filled days. If you are already feeling the ‘summer is over” sadness, then you need a long weekend away from your daily commitments. When planning your much-needed release from responsibility, don’t sweat the small stuff and allow the details to fall into place on their own. As long as you have the everyone and everything along for the ride, that is all you need. And with the cargo and passenger capabilities of the 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack, you’ll always have the space for everything you need for a successful journey. (more…)
See the Impressive Specs & Features of the 2018 Ford F-150
Monday, August 28th, 2017
2018 Ford F-150 Specs & Features
Take a two-minute break and give yourself the time to think about where you are going. Set the stopwatch on your smartphone and reflect on what you want to accomplish today. Every day is an opportunity to start fresh and try to be better than you were yesterday, even if it is in the smallest way. It is easier to improve your performance when you have the proper tools around you. If the tool you count on most to help you get your daily jobs done is starting to let you down, ditch the old Dodge and step up into the 2018 Ford F-150. You need your truck to work as hard as you do, so take a look at the overly capable specs and features of the 2018 Ford F-150.
(more…)What Rules Should I Follow While Driving on the Highway?
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
Highway Driving Tips & Rules to Follow
Why does it seem on the days that we are already running late, everyone on the highway is driving like they are in a parade? The most frustrating part of our day is when we encounter three vehicles driving the same speed across all three lanes of traffic, essentially rendering the entire concept of a multi-lane highway obsolete. You don’t need to be an aggressive speed demon on the highway to facilitate proper traffic flow, all you need to do is be attentive and conscientious of other drivers on the highway. Avoid causing and getting caught in congestion on the highway by following these simple rules and tips. (more…)
What Are the Towing & Passenger Capacities of the 2017 Buick Envision?
Monday, August 21st, 2017
2017 Buick Envision Towing & Passenger Capacity
As afternoon ebbs into evening and your work day is coming to a close, your excitement for the weekend reaches a fervor pitch. Perfectly laid plans of loading up the SUV with the whole family and all the gear for a trip to the lake for the weekend often get derailed by having to decide what comes along and what has to stay home. You either need a spacious lake house, fewer kids or a larger SUV to help you have a successful weekend getaway with everything you need. With the towing and passenger capacity of the 2017 Buick Envision you can make sure everything and all the extras get loaded up with space to spare for the kids too. (more…)
What’s Going on Around Milwaukee, WI September 2017?
Thursday, August 17th, 2017
With summer drawing to a close, we find ourselves feeling mildly unsatisfied because we never find the time to do all the summer activities that we planned on doing. Just because August is about over and the kids are heading back to school doesn’t mean that summer is over quite yet. If you are feeling like summer has slipped you by without so much as a courtesy wave, then check out what’s going on around Milwaukee, WI in September 2017. (more…)
Prepare to be Impressed by the Style & Performance of the 2018 Chevrolet Camaro
Tuesday, August 15th, 2017
2018 Chevrolet Camaro Style & Performance
Chevy is trumpeting the return of American muscle with the 2018 Chevrolet Camaro. This meticulously styled sports car had all her details poured over until perfection was attained. If you are looking to be completely blown away by a vehicle, then check out the 2018 Chevrolet Camaro’s style and performance. Every body line has been scrutinized to achieve a more muscular and athletic appearance than previous Chevy Camaro’s. One look at the 2018 Chevrolet Camaro and you will be head over heels in love. If you need substance with your style, read on to get the full performance specs on the 2018 Chevrolet Camaro.
(more…)Where Can I Pick My Own Apples Near Milwaukee, WI?
Monday, August 14th, 2017
The days have already started to shrink and with that the reality that summer is coming to an end starts to sink in. As the nights grow longer, bringing autumn nearer with every departing day we lament the passing of summer but embrace all that autumn has to offer. Fall brings cooler temperatures, Packer football and harvest season, and that means it’s time to find the best place to pick apples near Milwaukee, WI.
(more…)Get Excited About the Performance & Technology of 2018 GMC Terrain
Tuesday, August 8th, 2017
2018 GMC Terrain Performance & Technology
The end of summer draws a melancholy response from everyone, a natural physiological response to diminishing daylight. The kids are headed back to school and the outdoor activities are coming to a close, days inch shorter and the nights grow cooler, but the end of summer also brings Packer Football, Oktoberfest’s, and the introduction of the new model year across the auto industry. With most new models arriving in late summer or early fall makes this the best time to research your next vehicle purchase. If you noticed your Chevy Malibu isn’t keeping pace with your growing family and/or cargo needs, it’s time to upgrade to the 2018 GMC Terrain. The 2018 GMC Terrain is a versatile vehicle that can easily accommodate the morning car pool with all the kids or everything you need for the perfect tailgate on Sunday.
(more…)What are the 2017 Wisconsin State Fair Dates & Concerts?
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017
2017 Wisconsin State Fair Dates & Concerts
The epic 11-day Wisconsin State Fair is upon us and if you have been counting down until the doors open on Thursday, August 3rd, then anticipation is at a fever pitch as you count down the final hours. Spanning August 3rd to August 13th the Wisconsin State Fair is an immense example of everything our great state has to offer. Taking over the enormous 200-acre grounds with exhibitors, entertainment, food and drink, and if you can’t make it to all 11 days of the 2017 Wisconsin State Fair you need to at least attend a day or two. After your paid admission, there are 25 stages hosting live music throughout the day and night. An additional cost is associated with the headliners performing at the Potawatomi main stage every night, and here are the dates and times of those concerts.
(more…)The Superior Style and Performance of the 2017 Cadillac CT6
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017
2017 Cadillac CT6 Style and Performance
The first thing you notice about the 2017 Cadillac CT6 is its floating front grille that’s outlined in chrome and the standout Cadillac badge front and center. Super sleek and wide-set headlights flow seamlessly into the body and the eye-catching front fender-shaping accent lights give the 2017 Cadillac CT6 an unmistakable “face.” A wide wheelbase makes the front grille standout even more and provide the 2017 Cadillac CT6 with a powerful presence. Streaking the lower edge of the door panels is thin chrome accent stretching from fender to fender and affording the 2017 Cadillac CT6 a long and lean profile. That lean profile runs into an interrupted rear end that permeates the powerful presence of the 2017 Cadillac CT6. The powerful styling of the 2017 Cadillac CT6 isn’t only a mask it has the performance under the hood to back it up.